Show Notes: The "Free" Press, Human Trafficking, and Hammers Ready
This week was a really big week for shows, with a lot of information exchanged on a number of pressing issues. The three issues for which I will be providing some of my show resources are 1) The Insane Notion that the Press is a "Free" and Independent Entity, 2) The Even More Insane Notion that the Press is some Wounded Animal from a Serene Disney Forest, mercilessly attacked by Donald Trump, 3) a Few Links to Three Significant Headlines Regarding Human Trafficking and Child Abuse on both Domestic and Foreign Lands, and finally, two short threads to remind us all that the colon cleansing we're witnessing at Executive Agencies, like the FBI and DOJ, is only phase one of a much larger story yet to unfold...
A Free Press:
Andrew Klavan is a writer, philosopher, and political commentator. He's one of the best out there and I would recommend his daily podcast to anyone who likes their headlines delivered with a light heart, a really good sense of humor, and fascinating guests. Here is one of his openings from this week, responding to the news that hundreds of news outlets where going to —once again— synchronize an attack on the President...only this time it is going to be because he fights back, apparently. I attached the entire episode in case you wanted to give his show a try, but the show opening is all I am calling your attention to.
Secondly, here is a twitter thread by @NWOinPanicMode, who put together a thorough collection of instances in which the "Free" press really showed their teeth, by either ignoring or spinning real stories that would hurt their friends politically, and demeaning anyone who had the balls to talk about them. Hat tip to Imperator Rex for sharing this.:
Human Trafficking News:
For the commentary on all of these articles I would defer to the second hour of the Thursday Night Episode of Quite Frankly. We covered all three of these stories, strung them together, and took calls fro the audience afterward:
Hammers Ready:
Wednesday night we ended by spotlighting the Conspiracy that the 'Free' press is not only covering up, but a Conspiracy in which they were a major player. The FBI is cleaning itself out after a major scandal and all of the reporting has shifted to Omarosa and another flop of a book…but the firings and the loss of security clearances is only phase one. If you and your friends assert your will to affect an American Election you don't just get off with demotions, and firings.
Here are two threads from two of my favs on Twitter. @DrawAndStrike and @HFinch61
First, Draw and Strike:
Then, Mr. Finch:
That is all for now, kind people! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and ya know what? This blogging thing really wasn't that bad. I almost feel like it justifies all of the work I do in the middle of the week compiling all of this information. I promise I will keep it up. You know how to reach me, and please share this around! See you Monday Night at 7pm EST!
- Frank