Show Notes: John Lear and Mainstream UFO 'Disclosure'

On Monday, August 3, I kicked off a short second half topic on continued UFO disclosures in the once-critical, joke-cracking media. What sparked it was this interesting little piece of footage captured a few days ago with what seems to be a flotilla of unidentified objects dancing around in the sky like a swarm of fire flies. Now whether these are Chinese lanterns or something else, I don’t know, but it’s beside the point…

It got me thinking about John Lear, and some statements he made recently about the current Disclosure craze…

First, two short videos to give you some John Lear background or a refresher — one video with George Knapp and one with Art Bell:

The following is a statement by John Lear, on July 25, and in it he builds a case around the extreme secrecy of topics like Extra Terrestrial Intelligence and Off-World vehicles, etc. The reason for this is evident in his conclusion: For an issue to be a higher level of Top Secret for all of these years as to be more sensitive than the Manhattan Project, what angle could possibly be worked right now through limited, highly-controlled disclosures through the same people that originally demeaned the issue?

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, Pure BS

Please let me explain what the UAPTF is all about.

More than 70 years ago the U.S. government launched a top secret investigation of UFO’s which included the recovery and sometimes burial of flying saucers of all types. The investigation was kept more secret than the development of the nuclear bomb. No elected or appointed official was ever told about the program and it was kept buried deep inside the Pentagon. President Truman was the first and last President to have been briefed in full about the program. Each subsequent President was told less and less.

Over the past 70 years this program has collected over 50 ET craft and over 100 different alien bodies and hundreds of thousands of feet of high quality film taken of the on site recoveries and included exterior and interior shots.

The recovery teams initially based in Ft. Collins were called the Blue Berets and were males with no families, no relatives and usually orphans. This was so that if there was any infraction, however slight, this team member good be eliminated and nobody would be the wiser.

The stories of the recoveries were fantastic in keeping the craft out of the sight of the public, traveling and transporting in complete secrecy, usually only at night with advance teams preparing and leading the path for recovery and clean up teams leaving the property and soil as if nothing has ever been there.

Destinations for the recovered craft were well hidden and are still in place. Some were taken to Area 51 but not many.

Area 51 (Groom Lake) was initially prepared in 1948-1948 by Seabee crews who dug several layers below the dry lake. |It was then covered up and only by sheer coincidence did Lockheed choose the exact area for the testing of the U2. This underground area was kept totally secret until the early 90’s when the original runway caved into one of the hangars underground. A second runway several hundred feet to the east was built and the original runway was not used again and the hangar repaired.

In the late 70’s more underground hangars were built under the Tonopah Test Range (Antelope Dry Lake) which connected with huge tunnels and connected with the Groom Lake and Papoose Dry Lake underground hangars.

In the early 80’s another huge, completely underground facility was built under the Paiute Mesa along with a dual runway and hangar 13 miles to the north under Gold Flat.

And by the early 2000’s all facilities, TTR, Groom Lake, Papoose and Paiute Mesa were all connected with enormous underground tunnels and hangars.

And these facilities were not the only secret facilities in Nevada. There was one to the west of Pioche, one near Ely and one near Ferber Flats in northern Nevada. And of course are probably others

Manning these facilities and keeping them secret was a major problem so a maglev high speed subway was built from under the Luxor with additional parking and terminals under Aria and Bellagio from where over 5000 workers a day are whisked to work and back in less than 20 minutes.

Very few of these workers know about the hidden ET craft in the underground hangars and most were given a false story about the existence of ET craft and their occupants. Today there are less than 40 people who know the true story of the recoveries which began in the late 30’s.

It was obvious to the Pentagon that they would have to eventually release some kind of story about UFO’s so they came up with an ingenious idea to make an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, give it a few tic tacs, rolling bb’s and non-identifiable radar scans to the public.

The put Luiz Elizondo who knew nothing about the real recovery program and put him in contact with former Senator Reid and his friend Bob Bigelow who always had had an interest in UFO’s.

Then the Pentagon announced that they had other things to take care of and they were going to let Elizondo, Reid and Bigelow run with the UFO ball, gave them the tictac radar photos, $22 million and pretend they were going to let them run the UFO recovery show.

Meanwhile the Pentagon had over 70 years of ET artifacts, 50 craft, bodies and film carefully hidden away and safe from public scrutiny for ever.

The UATPF is just a brilliant scam perpetrated by the Pentagon to hide their deep involvement in UFO’s.

John Lear July 25, 2020

Some of my own thoughts/notes from the show:

John Lear was the one who suggested to art bell years ago that we humans are referred to as Containers by a mix of Alien Races that live among us, some A.I., some malevolent, some … and there’s plenty of speculation as to whether ‘container’ is a reference to the SOUL…

That we are high-valued avatars for a Christ Consciousness that needs to be studied and understood because they don’t have souls?  For instance, the working theory that Alien Greys may be Artificial Intelligence created by another civilization… well what if some of those civilizations are gone, and all that has survived them is their A.I. – which is constantly scouting and trying to understand that divine spark they can never have?

And furthermore… what does that say about the current path we are on with the development of A.I. and the godlessness of society… are we setting ourselves up for that same fate? A creator species ultimately survived by their robot progeny.

Are aliens us from the future?

The good thing is that instead of a nuclear arms race, there is a consciousness race going on.  Instead of the USA vs The USSR and the race of military superiority – people are in a foot-race against mind-controlling technocrats over the right to reclaim their own minds and bodies. A fight over the right to see the world for what it is. Who will win?

Frankie ValComment