CLOVID by the Numbers

Check out this great summary of some of the COVID-19 statistical data that has us scratching our heads. It may explain why, at the height of flu season, the CDC reported only 23 active cases of influenza in the entire country last week. It was posted in response to a GLP thread, which pondered, “I’m starting to think the elite create new flu strains to release every year, and because of Corona, they didn’t need to do that this year...”

Science is the pursuit of favorable probability. Science is not a democracy.

Every disease resets at the end of the calendar year. COVID-19 should as well, but it does not. Why?

April 14th 2020 - The CDC directed all medical professionals to list ALL DEATH CASES as COVID. This was at the direction of an obscure group called CSTE (Counsel State and Territorial Epidemiologists). This gave the CDC plausible deniability. [link to (secure)] & [link to (secure)]

Dec 31st 2020 - 22m infected in America out of 330m = 6% (this # includes non-lab diagnosis). 330k dead out of 330m = 0.1% This is not statistically significant. (94% of COVID deaths had 2.6 pre-existing conditions [link to (secure)])

Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections have 95% efficacy, which means you still have an approximately 93-95% chance of never catching COVID-19, with or without an injection, according to annual data. [link to (secure)]

Excess deaths in 2020: One study saying 20% excess for months March thru July 2020, and 1/3 of deaths were not related to COVID. The other 2/3 of recorded deaths were likely related to CSTE guidance to list all deaths as COVID, and/or the unnecessary lockdowns, which caused more deaths erroneously labeled as COVID due to CSTE guidance.

According to the CDC, the 2017-2018 influenza season saw 61,000 deaths directly related to influenza, and not attributed to any other disease. [link to (secure)] However, this article states influenza and complications killed 80,000 Americans in 2018. [link to (secure)] The article also states that many influenza cases are never reported on the death certificate, due to it being so common, so in theory, deaths attributed to influenza could be far worse.

The 2020-2021 influenza season saw 2% of historical influenza cases recorded. [link to (secure)] Summary: 330k “COVID” American deaths in 2020 (minus the 94% that had comorbidity) is 20k American deaths due to COVID without co-morbidity. 20k deaths compared to even half the 2018 influenza deaths still makes influenza far deadlier or…. COVID-19 is simply influenza rebranded with non-stop media histrionics, padded stats and inaccurate testing (PCR) which no gold standards to compare. (“However, our scoping review also uncovered imperfect methods for estimating diagnostic test performance in the absence of a gold standard, and demonstrate that the accuracy of these tests should be interpreted with caution.” [link to (secure)])

Meanwhile, each and every year over 600k Americans die of heart disease, 600k Americans die of cancer, 150k Americans die of stroke, 80k Americans die of diabetes and at least 50k Americans die of influenza. There is no disingenuous medical virtue signaling.

These are excellent observations, but they will likely be memory-holed soon, as Joe Biden recently announced that we should enjoy herd immunity by the summer. The World Health Organization changed the definition of heard immunity in November, but we have been assured the change is perfectly normal.

This information was also shared on the Quite Frankly Reddit. Join the discussion!

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