Operation Highjump: Interstellar War at the Bottom of the World

Written by John Carroll

There have been many conspiracy theories surrounding UFOs over the years, but none are more fantastic than Operation Highjump, during which a US Navy task force was supposedly defeated in direct combat with UFOs in Antarctica in 1947.

***DISCLAIMER*** – What follows is an actual conspiracy theory. We often use that term mockingly to describe things which are clearly true, and in which it can be proven that the official narrative is a lie. In this case, there are no credible sources I can link to that will provide supporting evidence. This post simply outlines the claims of the conspiracy theory solely for the entertainment of the reader. Enjoy!

Operation Highjump was a US naval expedition to Antarctica led by Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, a Medal of Honor recipient who had previously explored both the north and south poles. It was the largest Antarctic expedition in history, consisting of 13 ships, 23 aircraft and 4700 men. The official objectives of the mission were to map and investigate the physical geography of the region, develop techniques for erecting bases on the ice, and conduct general training in frigid conditions. The mission was unexpectedly aborted after only a few weeks, when casualties were sustained in a plane crash.

There has been speculation that Operation Highjump was actually a search and destroy mission. Under the Third Reich, the German navy began exploring and claiming land in Antarctica during the 1930s. Thousands of Nazis escaped to Argentina at the end of the war, so it would have been reasonable to suspect that their nearby submarine bases in Antarctica were potentially still operational.

Here’s where things get fun.

In 1938, a UFO allegedly crash landed in Bavaria, Germany. It was a disc-type craft similar to what was reported at Roswell, New Mexico. This UFO recovered by the Nazis is said to have been in the opposite condition of the one at Roswell, in that the airframe was compromised, but the engine/anti-gravity drive was undamaged, and the crew alive and well. The story goes that the crew were extraterrestrial humans, called Aryans or Nordics, who then helped German engineers construct a new fleet of craft, and began working with them at their own base in Antarctica.

In the most spectacular episode of the theory, Admiral Byrd actually met those extraterrestrials during Operation Highjump. This is also where claims are made that the true shape of Earth was discovered. During a reconnaissance flight, Admiral Byrd was amazed as the snowy landscape gave way to an oasis. He suddenly found himself flying in a warm climate, above lush, green fields and forests, home to mammoths and other strange creatures. Some versions of the theory say he flew into an opening in the ground, and that this beautiful land was inside the Earth. In others, his plane simply continued at its present altitude, and that Operation Highjump was literally a “high jump” over the ice wall encircling a flat Earth.

Upon meeting the extraterrestrial delegation, Admiral Byrd was informed that the proliferation of atomic weapons must be halted, because the Earth itself was now at risk of being destroyed in the next war. However, the powers steering the US government certainly had no interest in disarming, and Admiral Byrd had his orders. After that diplomatic effort failed, the theory says that an element of flying saucers launched an attack against Byrd’s forces. They emerged from the water, flying at lightning speed and maneuvering in different directions on a dime. They shot down several fighter aircraft and sank three ships, in an engagement lasting about twenty minutes. The task force then retreated and limped its way back north.

The battle in Antarctica started what would become a stand-off between the extraterrestrials and a cabal which had solidified its power over Earth’s governments in the aftermath of WWII. Soviet spies and captured Nazi scientists helped the USSR match the atomic capabilities of the US in 1949, worsening the situation.

Some people believe that a widely reported UFO sighting above Washington, DC in 1952 was related to this geopolitical struggle with the extraterrestrials, who, they argue, were conducting a show of force as a warning against the use of weapons of mass destruction. There have also been theories over the years of nuclear weapons being disarmed by extraterrestrials mid-flight during test launches.

Finally, many of the proponents of the Operation Highjump conspiracy theory, including the narrative that what became known as the Deep State is opposed by extraterrestrials, believe those same extraterrestrials are currently working with President Trump in his fight to restore the Republic. Believing such a thing would certainly place someone on the fringe of political thought, but it might explain the strange lights in the sky during the 2019 Independence Day celebration in the capital.

***UPDATE 7/25/23***

Based anthropologist Robert Sepehr continues to fight the good fight:

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