Awakening the Unwitting Agents of the Matrix

Written by John Carroll

In a recent Quite Frankly segment called The Psychological Profile of a Death Cult, we examined an incredible document submitted by a fan of the show named Solomon. It’s a 1993 police training manual written by Gayland Hurst, Ph.D. and Robert Marsh, to assist law enforcement investigations involving the occult. It’s no secret by now that many of the global elite are members of cults that practice black magick and worship the unholy, but this manual might help us identify a much larger cult, whose sheer size allows it to remain mostly incognito.

In the segment, Frank observed “that there’s plenty of people on out there that have been indoctrinated into a cult and they don’t even know it. I don’t think that every last person that is rioting in Seattle and Portland, and demonstrating in New York City and Chicago and Baltimore and Louisville and everywhere else, I don’t think that they all went and they said their vow… they made a pledge to anything… but they have definitely given themselves over to something. They have allowed other people to instruct them and they have been initiated into this.” That observation falls right in line with the manual’s definition of Destructive Religious Cults:

Recall from Political Ponerology how the pathological establish control by creating a shadow government, in which “the apparent power structure, reflected in public titles and formal positions, may bear little relationship to the actual power structure.” They are “a very small minority of quisling magicians,” as Frank said in that August podcast, “who have only ever used the power of media and Hollywood” to maintain control.

The manual goes on to outline manipulation tactics used by cult leaders to maintain control, and countless examples of those tactics can be found in our media:

It must be emphasized that this manual wasn’t compiled to expose the tactics of an ordinary cult, but a Satanic cult. If people refuse to believe in “magic” or “spirits,” it won’t make those things not exist. The witches in Brooklyn will probably be happy to explain why they aren’t LARPing, but we rarely get so lucky as to be entreated with major social influencers spilling the spiritual beans.

I would argue the Black Lives Matter movement is one of the largest psyops perpetrated in 2020, second only to the COVID-19 pandemic. In another Quite Frankly segment called Trump Explores the “Dark Shadows” & BLM Explores Witchcraft, BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors was caught making some eyebrow-raising claims about the movement’s power. Cullors said on tape, “I’m calling for spirituality to be deeply radical. We’re not just having a social justice movement. This is a spiritual movement.” Aware of the gravity of the subject, she continued, “Maybe I’m sharing too much, but we’ve become very intimate with the spirits that we call on regularly.” A hashtag, Cullors added, “is literally almost resurrecting a spirit so they can work through us.” When BLM supporters gather in the streets, she explained, the names of the dead must be said aloud because, “you kind of invoke that spirit, and then those spirits actually become present with you.”

Philosopher Rudolph Steiner can help us understand why BLM’s work, in addition to burning down cities and assaulting their opponents, is so spiritually destructive. In the Quite Frankly episode Mystics, Prophets, and Transhumanists, Steiner was quoted as saying, “There are beings in the spiritual realm for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve… If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful.”

So how can we fight back?

Instead of delving into theology, we can simply turn to Hollywood for a primer on spiritual warfare. Despite the evil that guides those storytellers, they are still bound by karma to show us the truth, and one of my favorite lessons about the nature of dark versus light can be found in Star Wars.

At the climax of most lightsaber duels, the Sith and the Jedi lock sabers and find themselves close enough to speak face to face. The Sith will often compliment the Jedi on his skills, but explain that his power is still nascent. “Give in to your feelings!” the Sith will implore. “Unleash your anger!” This is always a mistake, as seen when Anakin charged at Count Dooku in a blundering rage and lost his arm. Even in the event the Jedi gives in, and still wins the battle, he will inevitably lose the war for his soul.

Thus, the Jedi ultimately wins with restraint. He wins with self-control. He wins by making the tough decision to do what’s right, instead of the easy decision to just do what feels good. The light is always stronger than the darkness, and by rejecting the temptation of greater temporal power, he wins by increasing his spiritual power.

It is indeed a very formidable temporal power that’s presented, but only the increase in spiritual power can give the Jedi the wisdom needed to restore balance to the force. Darth Vader was correct when he told Luke, “only your hatred can destroy me,” but Luke would grow to understand that his goal wasn’t to destroy Vader at all. It was to bring him back to the light.

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