Viganò Exposes the Deep Church

Written by John Carroll

The divine, the demonic, the paranormal, and the associated cover-ups of the truth of these topics is one of the most popular aspects of the Quite Frankly podcast. Archbishop Carlo Viganò, an emerging leader in the civil war within the Catholic Church, is one of the figures who has consistently popped up in our spiritual discussions in 2020. He first gained notoriety for uncovering massive corruption at the Vatican Bank, then for exposing the highest-ranking American cardinal as a pedophile. As the Whore of Babylon’s mask continues to painfully slip off, a much more consequential conspiracy is being pieced together. On October 23rd, Viganò delivered a speech called “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” at a Catholic conference.

“Events of the past which once seemed disconnected prove now to be unequivocally connected, both in the principals that inspire them, and in the goals they seek to achieve,” Viganò began. “A fair and objective look at the current situation cannot help but cast the perfect coherence between the evolution of the global political framework, and the role that the Catholic Church has assumed in the establishment of the New World Order… We know that the New World Order project consists in the establishment of tyranny by Freemasonry. A project that dates back to the French Revolution, the Age of Enlightenment, the end of the Catholic monarchies, and the declaration of war on the Church.”

The declaration of war is a reference to the Alta Vendita, a nineteenth century document which outlines a plan to attack the Church by infiltrating her. The most important strategy in the document was to corrupt the youth via the media of the day. As the initial agents climbed the ranks, they recruited these now like-minded young men into the clergy. This effort weakened the Church as new priests were less and less orthodox over successive generations.

The situation was exacerbated after the Russian Revolution. The Soviet Union launched its own war against the Church during its crusade to destroy the culture of the West, as described by Yuri Bezmenov. Bella Dodd, an American KGB agent who later converted to Catholicism, admitted to recruiting over a thousand communists to infiltrate the seminaries beginning in the 1930s. In response to the Soviet threat, Western intelligence agencies, along with the mob, also laundered huge sums of drug money through the Vatican Bank to fund anti-communist political campaigns, in what was known as Operation Gladio.

I should digress here to note that satanic subversion and corruption of the Church has always been part of the saga. Judas was present at the Last Supper, the night the Church was instituted. Thousands of years prior, the serpent penetrated the Garden of Eden. What separates this modern conspiracy from those of the past is its huge scope and unique goal. Realizing that it can never be destroyed, these dark forces have instead co-opted and transformed the Church. This plot not only aims to lead souls to perdition, but to convince them to accept a one world government while on Earth.

The final act of the preparation phase may have been the enthronement of Lucifer in the Vatican in the late 1950s or early 1960s. In an appearance on Quite Frankly back in May, theologian Timothy Gordon explained how this rumor was dismissed as sensationalist quackery for decades, only peddled by controversial figures like Malachi Martin. Then in 2018, a “legendary” dossier was leaked to the press, which had been seized by Italian police at a cocaine and gay hookers-fueled party attended by high-ranking clergy. The dossier detailed financial and sexual scandals, as well as “alleged enthronement of Satan,” and “satanic activity at the very highest levels of the Vatican.”

Regardless of the veracity of these claims, the infiltrators and criminals were finally ready to make their move after over a hundred years. Their efforts culminated in the Second Vatican Council, which convened from 1962-1965.

The purpose of the council was to open the Catholic Church to the world, by making it more palatable for Protestants and even non-Christians. The changes made to Catholicism are far too numerous to break down here, but the most visible change can be observed in the new mass that was created, in which the focus is on the priest and the congregation, instead of God. In recent years, many traditionally-minded Catholics, including Archbishop Viganò, are beginning to see the changes for what they are: heresy.

In the decades since the heretical reforms were enacted, the Church has become a shell of her former self, and Catholics today are left to deal with a long list of bad fruits borne by the council. They also face the dilemma of a Church hierarchy, who they’re taught must be obeyed, promoting anti-Catholic teachings and practices. However, it’s likely most people don’t have any inkling of trouble in paradise, as Pope Francis is hailed by the New World Order media as a progressive reformer, world hero and role model.

This religious aspect of the corruption of the last century has been overlooked by much of new media, but it may go a long way to explaining the rampant evil and immorality that plagues the world today, what Catholics call the Mystery of Iniquity.

In his recent speech, Archbishop Viganò explained how the Antichrist will appear after those who fight against the Mystery of Iniquity cease to exist. He continued, “It seems quite evident to me that the end of times are now approaching before our eyes.” I’m no eschatologist, but it’s probably safe to say we’re closer to the end than the beginning. It is said that three ages, which mimic the life of Christ, can be overlaid onto the life of the Church. Her infancy in the catacombs represents Christ as a child, hidden and protected from the world. The thousand-year reign of Christendom, in which Christianity conquered Europe and spread across the world, represents Christ’s ministry. And finally, there’s the Passion, which we seem to be suffering through now.

In secular terms, for the first time in history, the internet has allowed us to pull back the curtain on a global stage play, with world leaders and mega corporations being pulled by strings. The first world war seems to have been started for the sole purpose of wrecking Europe. It was ended in such a way as to guarantee the start of a second. The second was ended in such a way as to preserve communism. This gave us an enemy against which we built a military industrial complex. 9/11 gave us an enemy against which we built a surveillance state. We can only guess what will be built to combat the invisible enemies of climate change and coronavirus. It’s as if all humanity has been taken for a ride.

On a final note, we spend a lot of time on Quite Frankly learning about the villains of this story, the people we blame for the sad state of the world. When exploring a topic like Christianity, however, we might learn that if we want someone to blame, we need only to look in the mirror.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as this audience already knows that it’s our collective thoughts which shape reality. We can only begin to truly turn things around not with mass arrests, but by asking ourselves a simple question: How wide is home plate? Then, ultimately, we must return to God. I’m an optimist, so because we must, my bold prediction is that we will. When we do, our former strength will be restored, and we will cleanse the temple.


Two days after this was posted, Archbishop Viganò published a second letter to President Trump, in which he observed, as “the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity… an element of hope emerges.”

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